PL Risk Blog

Texas expands Medical Cannabis legality

Written by Drew Smith | May 5, 2021 2:00:00 PM

Texas has taken more steps in legalizing their medical cannabis industry by expanding the number of conditions that could qualify for it.

The Texas house legislature has approved two different cannabis bills that focus on the medical side of the industry. The first bill was granting those with diagnosed PTSD to be able to take medical cannabis. Under the original proposal, it was to be only granted to military veterans with the diagnosis. But the sponsor Rep. Stephine Klick, introduced an amendment to expand it to anyone with the diagnosis. This amendment was passed with no objection. In adding the amendment, Rep. Klick commented: “Believe it or not, the number [of people with PTSD] is actually higher for survivors of sexual assault, than it is for veterans,” she said. “And we need to include them, in that sexual assault is more likely to cause PTSD than any other event.”[1]

The other bill that has passed the Texas House is a bill that changes the penalties for carrying a specific amount of cannabis and classifying it as a different class of misdemeanor. In addition, on Thursday, the House will vote on another reform bill that would decriminalize possession of up to one ounce of cannabis, making the offense a class C misdemeanor that does not warrant jail time. Beyond that, the legislation would end the threat of being arrested for the low-level possession and gives people the opportunity to avoid a conviction by providing for deferrals and dismissals.

While the laws are going through the legislature it is important to note that it only applies to in-state laws, just like everything else related to cannabis in the country at this current time. While a federal bill is being worked on, it is still considered the same class as heroin federally. Before conducting business, be sure to review what is and is not legal in the jurisdiction.



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