PL Risk Blog

Virginia Rolls out COVID Worker’s Safety Guideline.

Written by Drew Smith | Jul 22, 2020 2:00:00 PM


As COVID related closures begin to reverse, many companies and states are scrambling to establish what to do in relation to coming back to work. This includes what constitutes safety requirements in the face of the virus being as virulent as it is. In lack of federal guidelines, Virginia has taken the initiative to roll out a plan to protect companies in the state from liabilities associated with the virus.

Passed on July 15th in the Virginia State Legislature, the new order outlines what must be done to keep offices and buildings open for business. This includes disinfection procedures, social distancing guidelines and what to do when someone tests positive for the virus. Under the new regulation, businesses have 24 hours to inform their staff of a positive test. This is to protect the person testing positive and to allow for their employees to get themselves testing. “Virginia became the first state in the nation to issue a strong, science-driven standard to protect workers from COVID-19. I can't quite describe how HUGE of an AMAZING win this is,” Virginia AFL-CIO President Doris Crouse-Mays said in an email to her members.[1] Not everyone is onboard with the idea however, with many saying it puts more undue strain on companies already struggling to come back to work.

With no federal guidelines, the states must step up to protect their citizens. Your company should be putting together plans on how to protect your employees and clients before and after guidelines are established.

