PL Risk Blog

Errors & Omissions Insurance: When Lawyers Make Mistakes

Written by Mike Smith | Aug 30, 2013 4:40:18 PM

Errors & Omissions Insurance: When Lawyers Make Mistakes

Law is a profession of trust. Clients trust lawyers to provide counseling, comprehensive and honest advice that is specific to their case. Based on their services, clients also trust lawyers to keep track of their billable hours, neither under or overcharging for their services. When assessing cases, lawyers trust the clients to provide them with the details, documentation and a timeline of their case before deciding to take it on.

But while legal is a relationship of implicit trust and cooperation, attorneys (and their clients) are still human. Your legal clients may make mistakes in the course of their practice. When they do, they need to know how to handle mistakes in a prompt, honest manner that benefits both the clients and is as painless as possible for the lawyers.

Lawyers can miss key legal deadlines, fail to file paperwork or miss a key legal principle in their case. It is essential to educate attorneys on how to handle these mistakes. Mismanaged malpractice suits can incur huge costs. Not to mention the reputation a malpractice suit could inflict on a career or practice.

Running a law practice exposes your legal clients to extraordinary risks. Even firms that adhere strictly to best practices can find themselves accused of errors and omissions that can result in significant losses.

An Errors & Omissions (E&O) policy from PLRisk Advisors provides your clients with coverage that contributes towards legal defense costs, damage awards and settlements. What’s more, our programs can be customized specifically for legal professionals. We understand the unique risks that lawyers face and can help you provide your clients with an insurance program that is specially designed to meet their needs. Eligibility for our Attorneys Errors & Omissions plan includes: revenue of at least $250k, 3 or more attorneys, and claims or no claims.

Contact PLRisk today to learn more about our Attorneys Errors and Omissions package. (855) 403-5982