By Drew M Smith

2018 was the first year of PL Risk’s charity group, PL Risk Helping Hands. Over the course of the year, our employees participated and raised for a variety of different local and national organizations.
Some of the highlights include:
- Raising $15,000 for the opioid addiction foundation Shatterproof, one of the largest group contributions. In addition, we participated in a charity walk in New York City.
- Backpacks with toys and other necessities for kids were made for children to support Operation Underground Railroad, a group dedicated to fighting human trafficking.
- A variety of events were dedicated to donating and volunteering at CUMAC, a local food pantry in Paterson New Jersey. We donated over 150 pounds of food in one drive and several pounds of baby goods in another. We also participated in a commercial for the organization to raise awareness.
- We raised money and collected pet toys and goods for FOWA a local animal shelter that helps foster and adopts pets in Wayne New Jersey.
We hope to continue our efforts to help out the community and beyond. We have more planned for 2019 so be sure to keep up to date on our blog.