For non-business related social media use…
It’s important to abide by the National Labor Relations Act. Next, employees should assume that every post is going to be read by someone, especially as everything on the Internet is searchable. Therefore, employees must also understand that they are personally responsible for the content they post. An employer’s social media policy should require that employees abide by the employer's Code of Conduct and other conduct-related workplace policies (such as Anti-Harassment and equal employment opportunity (EEO) policies) while using social media sites, says Inside Counsel.
When using social media on the job...
Next, when someone is required to use social media for their job, a second policy must be developed. They must disclose who they are, their relation to the company, and own all of the content posted on behalf of your clients. Most importantly, however, is ensuring all the material posted is in compliance with the intellectual and copyright laws. If any of these laws are violated, your clients may be subjected to hefty fines and a long legal battle.
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