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Posts about

Cyber Liability

Biometrics Regulations: What it Means for Employers

January 7, 2022

Biometric data is increasingly becoming important in regard to identity protection. However, whether employers are allowed to handle this information..

US State Department to Create Cyber Bureau

November 5, 2021

With the rise of cyber-attacks on politically valuable targets, the Biden administration has decided to tackle this head-on. The Administration, led..

NFL Twitter Hack Calls for Better Protection Online

February 21, 2020

As the build up for Super Bowl 54 was in full swing, on the cyber front, over half of the NFL’s twitter feeds were hacked by a Saudi hacker. These..

China Revealed as Culprit Behind Equifax Breach

February 14, 2020

The United States Federal Government announced the surprise filing of cybercrime charges against four Chinese military officials on Monday. These..

FBI Gives Warning Against Smart Device Hacking

December 6, 2019

With many people buying various devices this Christmas season, the FBI has released a warning concerning smart devices and how they can pose privacy..

Hackers are Using Phones to Steal Banking Data

October 30, 2019

As many people rush to protect their data, hackers have begun to go deeper into their bags of tricks to get you to fork them over. A rising trend is..

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