Keeping you up to date on trends, emerging exposures and other critical issues.

FBI Gives Warning Against Smart Device Hacking

December 6, 2019

With many people buying various devices this Christmas season, the FBI has released a warning concerning smart devices and how they can pose privacy..

Cannabis Worries for 2020

November 21, 2019

As the year begins to wind down, many dispensaries are worried about the year ahead. With many walls in front of them, they are looking at..

Cryptojacking; Internet’s Very Own Hijacking

November 6, 2019

With the rise of cryptocurrency, many people take advantage of people’s ignorance to extort said currency out of people. But now, its starting come..

Hackers are Using Phones to Steal Banking Data

October 30, 2019

As many people rush to protect their data, hackers have begun to go deeper into their bags of tricks to get you to fork them over. A rising trend is..

PL Risk to Attend Hudson Valley RAP Conference

October 25, 2019

PL Risk is pleased to announce their attendance at the PIA Hudson Valley RAP Conference on October 30th. Attending this conference will be PL Risk..

PL Risk to Attend MAIA's Big Event Conference in Boston

October 22, 2019

PL Risk is pleased to announce their attendance at the Massachusetts Association of Insurance Agents (MAIA) Big Event Conference and trade Fair in..